Development of methods for electricity saving ventilation in sectors at the risk of fire or hazardous fumes

The primary scope of the project was: to develop and test methods to analyse how energy con-sumption in ventilation systems in EX-areas can be reduced. The results of the work showed are, that a paper based model has been developed and tested at three EX-areas at two different companies. In all cases substantial energy savings ware obtained. A mapp

The primary scope of the project was: to develop and test methods to analyse how energy con-sumption in ventilation systems in EX-areas can be reduced. The results of the work showed are, that a paper based model has been developed and tested at three EX-areas at two different companies. In all cases substantial energy savings ware obtained. A mapping of the electricity consumption in Denmark showed an estimated consumption of 94 GWh. The saving potential primarily on basis of the cases indicate, that 25% of this, corresponding to approximately 25% of the total consumption. Despite of the relatively large potential in a relative small number of companies, it is not obvious that the saving potential will be implemented by the companies themselves. The reason for this is due to the fact, that the companies generally make the classification analysis themselves. The authorities approve the results of the classification, but their primary - perhaps only - focus is that regulations are observed. Their focus is not energy savings This introduces an opportunity for consultants, and especially energy consultants, to help the companies implement the energy savings.

Key figures

2004 - 2006
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.24 mio. DKK
0.55 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
69 %
Project budget:
0.79 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udvikling af metodikker til elbesparende ventilation i områder med risiko for brand eller farlige dampe
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 336-059


Comtact information
Birch og Krogboe A/S
Teknikerbyen 34
DK-2830 Virum, Denmark
, 45955555,
Øvr. Partnere: Dansk brand- og sikringsteknisk Institut; NESA; Novo Nordisk; Foreningen af kommunale Beredskabschefer; Beredskabsstyrelsen; Cheminova; Alpharma - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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