A+E:3D - digital tool for architectural energy optimisation in architectural design early in the design process - phase 2


A+E:3D is a digital tool for energy optimization of buildings. A+E:3D can be used in the early design stages of building design to develop energy optimized architectural concept. A+E:3D contains the Danish verification tool for Energy optimization, BE10, which follows the Danish Building Code, which again follows EPBD. This makes it very easy to convert A+E:3D into other national standards in EU, that will meet EPBD.

A+E:3D serves as a platform for integrated design between architects and engineers. In A+E:3D architects and engineers can run a dialogue on energy optimazation, according to daylight, materials, technology and renewable energy, in the early design phases of buildings.

A+E:3D is per january 2014 launched as ver  2,1 and can be downloaded from www.apluse.biz, for free and can be used for testing both simple and complex architectural concepts, new building and retrofitting, regarding shapes, atrias, zoning and envelopes to optimize indoor climate and energy consumption.

Key figures

2011 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.32 mio. DKK
1.78 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
57 %
Project budget:
3.10 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
A+E:3D - digitalt værktøj til arkitektonisk energioptimering tidligt i designfasen af bygninger, fase 2
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 343-049


Grupe Larsen, Vibeke
Comtact information

vglcph aps
Vesterbrogade 15, 1. sal
DK-1620 København V
Grupe Larsen, Vibeke , 26280289, vgl@vglcph.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Aalborg Universitet (AAU). Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut (SBi); InteractiveLabProductions; Henning Larsen Arkitekter; Akademisk Arkitektforening; Esbensen Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Contact email

Energiforskning.dk - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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