EUDP 15-I, Lube oil savings in large 2-stroke diesel engines through feedback control

The lubricating system on a large two-stroke diesel engine consists of a unit that continually adds new oil to each cylinder. Unlike in a four-stroke engine the oil is only used once. Sorne of the excess oil is combusted and the rest is treated as waste oil. The purpose is to develop a feedback controlled reduction of the consumption of lube oil to a minimum.

Project description

The cylinder lubrication oil in large two-stroke marine and stationary engines has multiple fiinctions, ofwhich the most significant are lubrication of the engine and neutralisation of the acids formed using suiphurous fuels. The requirernents for the allowed sulphur ernissions from shipping were tightened in January 2015 and will be again in 2020. The indirect implication ofthis is that
the sulphuric content in the fuel will be reduced. When the suiphuric content is reduced, the need for the acid neutralising effect is reduced and the cylinder lube oil feeding is increasingly carried out to lubricate the engine properly. A method for assessing the required cylinder lube oil in real time and autornatically adjusting the feeding based on this information does flot exist today. In this
project, a method for surveying the required cylinder lube oil will be developed. The surveillance will be used to control the cylinder lube oil feeding, reducing it to a minimum. The expected savings for the individual consumer is up to 50 %.

The most suitable sensor technology, capable of delivering the necessary signals for the feedback control ioop must be found. Precision, robustness, price and the degree ofintervention into the engine must be taken into account. A data acquisition device, capable ofreceiving signals from the sensors and convert them into signals easily interpreted by the controller, must be developed. Furtherrnore, a feedback control algorithrn that stably and precisely can control the feeding of the cylinder lube oil into the engine,
based on the signal from the data acquisition device must be developed. Moreover, it must be integrated into the existing Hans Jensen Lubricators (HJL) systems.

The technology to be utilised to implernent the project exists today, however existing products may require modification to be integrated into the system. The project will lead to a product that, in a safe way can reduce the cylinder lube oil consumption
of the customer. The product will be sold by HJL and introduced as an add-on to HJLs existing products.

Key figures

2016 - 2023
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.29 mio. DKK
4.27 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
65 %
Project budget:
6.56 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Smøreoliebesparelser i store 2-takts dieselmotorer gennem feedback regulering
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S 1,92 mio. DKK 1,92 mio. DKK
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) 2,35 mio. DKK 0,34 mio. DKK


Hans Peter Jensen
Comtact information

Smedevænget 1-3,

9560 Hadsund

Contact email - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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