Automated energy services to SMEs

The project "Automated energy services to SMEs" aims at developing methodologies for auto­matic analysis of energy consumption data among SMEs combined with data from ether data registers (m2, sector, weather etc.). Via benchmarking, major deviations in hourly energy con­sumption pattern can be discovered and automated feedback can be sent for the customer and their service partners.
Energy saving efforts have traditionally had difficult conditions in the SME segment (stores, smaller offices and small businesses), as the size of end-user consumption does not, in a commercial way, allow for customer visits and larger analysis work. In this project, a model tool was developed that can systematically and autonomously identify and classify energy saving potentials by combining electricity consumption data available from Energinet's "DataHub" with information about the type of business, the size of the heated area and the ambient temperatures. The tool was built by algorithms that solely analyzed the company's electricity consumption, but also compared the company with the rest of the industry (benchmarking). Through the tool, savings potentials were identified in especially the participating supermarkets, as these stores already have a high electricity consumption, and even extremely large variations in the size and profile of electricity consumption. A rough scaling up of the results from the supermarkets registered to the project, to a national level, gave an energy saving potential of 76 GWh/year - 244 GWh/year, corresponding to 0.3% - 0.8% of Denmark's total electricity consumption. In the other industry segments (clothing stores and construction markets) that participated in the project, a potential for energy improvements was also identified, and there was considerable variation in consumption between the businesses. This was mainly due to the fact that some stores had LED lighting while others still had fluorescent lamps or halogen bulbs. The project with automatic data recognition and information feedback has shown good potential for wider use in the future in order to more easily identify energy improvements. During the test phase, it was shown that many different potentials of improvement could be identified through the analysis tool and that the diagnoses in general matched well with the findings that were mapped when selected stores were visited. However, the accuracy of the diagnoses in the tool was partly limited by the fact that the electricity consumption data was only on an hourly basis and partly that the amount of companies visited during the test phase was limited. A better data resolution could enable more specific diagnoses to be developed, so that instead of simply saying that the daily consumption was high, the system could also say with greater precision why the daily consumption was high. A business model with a 3rd party involvement is immediately difficult to see, due to lack of financial incentive and the challenges of receiving permission to use energy consumption data. A business model based on automatic data recognition and benchmarking and driven by companies with access to electricity consumption data, e.g. energy companies, as a service to their customers, are obvious. Unlike a 3rd party company, energy companies have the opportunity for a larger-scale implementation, since in connection with the conclusion of the electricity trade agreement with their customers, they have the opportunity to add that the customer also gives consent that the company can use their consumption data for analysis and contact the customer with suggestions for improvements.
Project description
The project aims at developing methodologies for automatic analysis and benchmarking of hourly energy consumption data in SME's together with data from other relevant registers (m2, sector-data, weather-data etc.). Via benchmarking, the "worst" energy consumers among an electric utility's SME-clients can be identified and automated feedback can be provided either directly to the client or to a service partner of the client (by service partners maintaining HVAC-systems etc.).

On the basis of testing the methodologies among 100 clients, a commercial viable solution for this type of energy service is to be found so as final tools can be implemented in the 2 partici­pating utilities customer database. It is expected that the "intelligent" information feedback can be approved as a saving tool under the Danish Energy Saving Obligation Scheme and via this scheme can be co-funded into a final commercial viable approach to achieve energy savings in the SME-segment. The project is carried out in cooperation with 2 electric utility companies (DONG Energy & Au­ra) but will be followed by energy utilities from other energy sources (gas, district heating).

Key figures

2017 - 2019
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.54 mio. DKK
1.10 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
42 %
Project budget:
2.64 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Automatisk datagenkendelse og informationsfeedback til SMV
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.
ELFORSK 349-023


VIEGAND & MAAGØE ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
AURA Rådgivning A/S
Københavns Kommune
Affald Varme Århus
Ørsted A/S - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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