Investigation of savings potential of better installation and continued adjustment of heat pumps, including better financing of heat pumps for Danish homeowners

Investigation of the potential for optimized and reduced energy consumption via improved installation, monitoring and continuous adjustment of heat pumps in Danish homes, using IoT enabled machine learning-based dynamik and contextual modelling, as well as an investigation of whether the energy optimization potential can be used to develop better heat pump financing products with built-in energy savings incentives.

Project description

With this project, we want to optimize and reduce electricity consumption in single-family homes with heating from geothermal heat and air-to-water heat pumps. Our hypothesis is simple; continuous consumption monitoring and heat curve balancing (eg seasonal) will increase the efficiency of heat pump operation and significantly reduce power consumption.

Specifically, the project will:

  • Provide documentation of the efficiency potential measured in kWh and DKK across Danish type houses, heat pump manufacturers and behavior-related consumption patterns
  • Build a thermodynamic model that can be adjusted to the individual consumer's house. By simultaneously measuring the heat pump's operation with sensors and doing A-B tests between annual and eg quarterly adjustment of heating curves, it will be possible to determine whether the heat pump is set correctly and the consumptionis optimized
  • Publish our research and develop operational guidelines for the use of resp. homeowners and service technicians

Primary effects:

  • A quantitative dataset of the possible energy savings as well as a user guide to Achieve these savings
  • Demonstration of measurable incentives for increased focus among homeowners and
    installers of ongoing energy monitoring and heat curve regulation

Secondary effects:

  • Increased intake of statutory heat pump service subscriptions - only approx. ⅓ of homes currently have subscriptions.
  • Data for the improvement of heat source dimensioning tools, which creates a connection between expected savings and realized savings, which creates better customer experiences. This can give heat pumps a better reputation, which can increase uptake.
  • Optimized operation can increase the life of the heat pump and reduce noise, which also creates better customer experiences, can give heat pumps a better reputation, and increase occupancy.
  • Data for financial institutions for loan product development, where precise energy savings are used to lower interest rates and further increase sales of heat pumps, or where lowest interest rates are offered to consumers who install monitoring and subscribe to service-subscriptions where heat-curve regulation is carried out.

Key figures

2021 - 2023
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.83 mio. DKK
1.79 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
68 %
Project budget:
2.61 mio. DKK


Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Bodil Energi Aps (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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