Nano-filtration of oil


To extend the life of gear oil - not least for use in offshore wind turbiens - the project aims to investigate whether nano-filtration using CJC filters (cellulose fibres) with zeolites eliminates the carbonyl compounds which increase oil oxidation. The project also involves the long term testing of nano filters.

Project description

Development of the next generation of oil filters for gear oil in wind turbines. The new filter is planned to be a combination of traditional depth filtering and a new technology, which can be characterised as nano-filtration. The nano-filtration is to remove certain oxidation products from the oil, slowing down the oil degradation process which, in turn, results in a considerable lifetime extension and lubricity improvement. The main project tasks are: In-depth studies and testing of zeolite design, synthesisation, deposIting on cellulose fibres and properties in relation to various oils and additive types. Construction of test-stand for accelerated long-term testing and purchase of apparatuses for measuring and identification of oxidation products. Upscaling of laboratory results to commercial production. Field tests and subsequent determination of quality test procedures. The objective is to double the lifetime of wind turbine gear oil, thus assisting in reducing the overall operational costs. There will also be a considerable, positive (reducing) effect on the energy consumption and CO2 emission related to the production, transportation and disposal of the lubrication oil. The oil filtration is also important to the operational reliability of the wind turbine

Key figures

2008 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.04 mio. DKK
1.94 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
65 %
Project budget:
2.99 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Nano-filtrering af olie
Case no.


C.C. Jensen (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Hallberg Jensen, Søren
Comtact information

C.C. Jensen A/S. Filterdivisionen
Løvholmen 13
DK-5700 Svendborg
Hallberg Jensen, Søren , 63212014,
Øvr. Partnere: Université de Haute Alsace; TSMadsen - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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