Demonstration of gas driven diffusion-absorption heat pump for single-family houses

The study contaiins a review of the current sorption gas fired heat pumps for residential space heating and also the visible development trends. A prototypw heat pump has been laboratory tested.

Project description

The DGC report 'Status på gasdrevne varmepumper' (Status on gas driven heat pumps), May 2004 concludes that the diffusion-absorption heat pump may well be a realistic and promising next step up from the conventional condensing boiler. With this in mind, it would be most interesting to test and demonstrate such a gas driven heat pump. Laboratory test: Establishment of new test procedure for testing of gas driven heat pumps on DGC's gas boiler test rig in accordance with the present DGC boiler test program. The goal is to test the annual efficiency of the heat pumps in such a way, that they are directly comparable to the traditional boilers. DGC has tested the annual efficiency for 90 % of all installed boilers in Denmark the last 10 years. Field demonstration: A field test will verify if the heat pump meets the Danish demands for general function, noise pollution, maintenance costs, overall economy and user friendliness. It will also verify the established DGC test procedure for heat pumps as stated in the Laboratory test. Possible problems during installation and service will be noted and tried solved if possible


Heat pumps may be the next step in gas fired residential space heating. Together with solar energy it is an option to combine natural gas and renewable energy. Heat pumps for residential space heating are likely to be based on the absorption or adsorption process, i.e. sorption heat pumps. Manufacturers claim that the efficiency could reach 140-160%. The annual efficiency will be lower but it is clear that gas fired heat pumps can involve an efficiency and technology step equal to the transition from non-condensing gas boilers with atmospheric burners to condensing boilers. The study contaiins a review of the current sorption gas fired heat pumps for residential space heating and also the visible development trends. A prototypw heat pump has been laboratory tested. Field test results from Germany and the Netherlands are also used for a technology evaluation. The tested heat pump unit combines a small heat pump and a supplementary condensing gas boiler. Field tests show an average annual efficiency of 120% for this prototype design. The manufacturer abandoned the tested design during the project period and the current development concentrates on a heat pump design only comprising the heat pump, although larger. The heat pump development at three manufacturers in Germany indicates a commercial stage around 2010-2011. A fairly high electricity consumption compared to traditional condensing boilers was observed in the tested heat pump. Based on current prices for natural gas and electricity the cost savings were estimated to 12% and 27% for heat pumps with 120% and 150% annual efficiency respectively. There is currently no widespread performance testing procedure useful for annual efficiency calculations of gas fired heat pumps. The situation seems to be clearer for electric compression heat pumps regarding proposed testing and calculation procedures. A German environmental label exists and gas fired sorption heat pumps are also slightly treated in Eco-design work. Testing and energy labelling seem to be reasonable to include in the current procedures in the near future.The development trend towards a heating system comprising only the heat pump makes the testing procedure easier.

Key figures

2005 - 2008
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.93 mio. DKK
0.32 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
26 %
Project budget:
1.25 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Demonstration af gasdrevet diffusions-absorptionsvarmepumpe til enfamilieshuse
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Jensen, Jan K.
Comtact information
Dansk Gasteknisk Center a/s
Dr. Neergaards Vej 5B
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Jensen, Jan K. , 45169600,
Øvr. Partnere: - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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