Participating in the European network PyNe, working on pyrolysis and related technologies for thermal conversion of biomass

The goal of the project is to collect, promote, and communicate the knowledge of pyrolysis and related thermal conversion processes for production of fuels and chemicals from biomass.

Project description

Pyrolysis is a thermal way of converting biomass process into liquid fuel and valuable chemicals. The process is a research area, which occupies many European labortories. The dominating process today is the flash pyrolysis, in which biomass shortly is heated in a gas to a temperature around 520 deg. C. Different techniques have been used in order to obtain the lowest possible pyrolysis temperature, maximising the yield of biooil to approximately 80% of dry ash-free biomass. The oil is not long-term stable, for which reason different methods are under investigation covering catalytic or chemical processes. Biooil has on experimental basis been used as liquid fuel in stationary diesel power plants. The biooil is also a potential raw material for producing liquid flavours, artificial tanning, manure polymer composites and vitamins. PyNe is network of researchers, who collect and disseminate results from the research and development within the area. The network has existed for four years, in which the Danish Technological Institute has participated in the half-yearly meetings. The results from the meetings are published in PyNe Newsletter, which the Danish Technological Institue distributes to 250 interest persons within industry, education, state and press. The PyNe Newsletter is published each half ear. An activity calendar is updating the international meetings and conventions relating to pyrolysis of biomass. Reports are made from each subject group. Each national representative has a responsibility covering the national activity, analysis and characterisation of products, new process, conference reports, list of running of EU contracts, pyrolysis activity, internet addresses, network groups and exchange of researchers. The Network has 19 members from different European and American countries. Each national delegate reports the latest results and initiatives in their region on the meetings. Interested persons and companies are invited to the meeting for presentation of their latest research results. Among the invited companies and research institutions we find NREL, Pyrovac, Dynamotive, Omron, VTT, ENEL, Chemviron, Shell UK, Waterloo Univ., Union Fenosa, Veba Oel AG, Ensyn. The results from the meetings are communicated directly or through the distribution of the PyNe Newsletter

Key figures

2000 - 2003
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
0.44 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
0.44 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Deltagelse i europæisk netværk PyNe, der beskæftiger sig med pyrolyse og beslægtede teknologier for termisk omdannelse af biomasse
Bio and waste
Project type
Internationalt - ikke IEA
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Pedersen, Karsten
Comtact information
Teknologisk Institut. Kemiteknik
DK-8000 Århus C, Denmark
Pedersen, Karsten (akademiing.), 89438617,
Øvr. Partnere: Aston Universitet (GB); Centre of Agricultural Research (BE); VTT (FI); BRF-Institute for Wood Chemistry (DE); Trinity College (IE); BTG (NL); Sintef (NO); Universidad de Zaragozza (ES); NREL (US); Johanneum Research (AT); RTI (CA); Cirad Foret (FR); C.R.E.S. (GR); Universita degli Stuti di Napoli (IT); INETI-ITE-DDTC (PT); TPS (SE); Instituto de Technolofias (BR) - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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