Inplementation of FLOX burner technology in industrial high-temperature processes

Measurements in four glass melting furnaces at Holmegaard Glassworks have been carried out. Three of these were equipped with FLOX-burners and one with a conventional burner, all supplied by IGA A/S. Measurements have proven that FLOX-burners operate with a significantly lower NOx-emission level than conventional burners do.

Project description

The purpose of this project is to achieve full understanding of the FLOX process in different areas of application, and to determine the possibility of achieving energy and emission savings by using FLOX burners instead of standard burners. The project is divided into the following 5 phase: 1) Facility documentation and mathematical modelling. 2) Process optimisation. 3) Test of research results. 4) Conditions of safe and optimal use and installation of FLOX burners. 5) Flox burner technology in high-temperature industries. In the first phase, the project aims to document FLOX and standards installed at Holmegaards Glasværker, through full-scale testings and mathematical modelling. In the second phase, the project will determine the parameters influencing optimal use of the FLOX burner technology. CFD models will be used to evaluate the influence of these parameters. By modifying the furnace, in phase 3 the project aims to prove the findings of phase 2. This is done by new full-scale testings. The secure optimal use of the FLOX burner technology, in phase 4 the project will determine conditions of safe installation and operation. Also, the project will focus on energy consumption, product quality, internal and external environmental effects. In phase 5, the project will determine how and in which other industries the FLOX burner technology can be used


It has also been demonstrated that these burners operate with reduced noise and that they have a positive effect on product quality. Production efficiency has been increased by approximately 10 %, most likely due to improved glass melting quality by using FLOX-burners in preference to conventional burners. A CFD-model, describing combustion in Holmegaard Glassworks glass melting furnace, has been elaborated. Calculations indicate that repositioning of the flue gas outlets improves combustion inside the furnace. Measurements have documented that repositioning of the flue gas outlets reduces NOx-emissions to 1/10 of the level obtained by using conventional burners. This indicates that combustion with burners applying flameless oxidation burner technology is highly influenced by the inside furnace geometry and the flue gas flow pattern. The CFD-model has been further improved. An optimised furnace geometry used in calculations with the improved CFD-model has been developed. Calculations indicate that by implementing changes to make the furnaces similar to the optimised furnace geometry, further improvements of combustion and production efficiency are attainable. Possibilities to implement this burner technology in high-temperature industries are great. Besides correct inside furnace geometry, temperatures inside the furnace must exceed 850 deg. C. Below this temperature, flameless oxidation burners will be disconnected due to safety. Some burner makes may switch to conventional combustion when the temperature drops below 850 deg. C. In Denmark, burners using flameless oxidation technology, have not been applied in industrial processes to the desired extent. The reason may be that flameless oxidation burner technology is a rather new and untried technology in many industrial processes

Key figures

1999 - 2003
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.03 mio. DKK
1.20 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
37 %
Project budget:
3.23 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Implementering af FLOX-brænderteknologien i industrielle højtemperatur processer
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Holmegaards Glasværker A/S


Andersen, Paw
Comtact information
Dansk Gasteknisk Center a/s. Gasanvendelse
Dr. Neergaardsvej 5A
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Thiemke, Rene (ing.); Projektleder: Andersen, Paw (ing.), 45169600,
Øvr. Partnere: Holmegaards Glasværker A/S; IGA A/S - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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