Low energy house 2010 - feasibility study

An evaluation of the state of the art of components and energy systems for low energy houses has been carried out. The state of the art of several important areas has been described in combination with a description of the necessary demands for developments in order to further decrease the energy demand of housing in 2010 in a cost efficient way.

Project description

The objective with this feasibility study is to plan research and demonstration activities, aiming to identify the design and features of the standard Danish low energy house year 2010. This project aims at achieving the ambitious energy goals through a synergy with other driving forces bringing changes in the building sector, such as the need for an overall sustainability of buildings, improved building quality, improved indoor climate and improved living qualities, and improved architectural standards for new housing. This project seeks to establish dynamic and flexible consortia between research institutes, building industry, clients, consultants and financing institutes for housing, these consortia being targeted towards Low Energy House 2010. This project is closely linked to two Danish strategic framework programs, one focusing on the new building year 2005, the other focusing buildings year 2030. Furhtermore, the project relates to the Danish Solar Energy Plan of Action 1998 - 2000, and the European 5th Framework Program for Research, Demonstration and Dissemination, FP5, 1998 - 2002. Finally this Danish feasibility study will contribute to, and benefit from participation in the planned IEA SHC activity 'IEA Task 28: Solar sustainable Housing', which also runs through a feasibility study phase in 1999


Six scenarios have been drawn up for three different housing types: multifamily houses, row houses and single family houses - two scenarious for each housing type. Finally the state of the art has been illustrated by descriptions of ten existing low energy housing projects. The project was only a pre-project so it was not the aim to actually develop components, energy systems and houses. The aim was to point out directions for the future developments in this areas. It is thus the hope that the report from the project will inspire especially manufactures, building owners and consultants to carry out the necessary developments

Key figures

1999 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.18 mio. DKK
0.95 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
84 %
Project budget:
1.12 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Lavenergihus 2010 - forprojekt
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)


Poulsen, Henrik
Comtact information
Teknologisk Institut. Energicenter Danmark. Varmeteknologi
P.O. Box 141
DK-2630 Taastrup, Denmark
Kristensen, Poul E. (centerleder); Projektleder: Poulsen, Henrik , 43504500,
Øvr. Partnere: Cenergia ApS; By og Byg (Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut); Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Bygninger og Energi; Esbensen Rådgivende Ingeniører

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