Innovative and energy efficient retrofit of public buildings

The BRITA in PuBs project within the EU Eco-Buildings programme started in 2004 and finished in spring 2008. The project aimed to increase the market penetration of innovative and effective retrofit solutions to improve energy efficiency and to implement renewable energy technologies. A group of demonstration public buildings in the participating European regions (North, Central, South and East) were retrofitted.

Project description

The BRITA in PuBs proposal on Eco-buildings aims to increase the market penetration of innovative and effective retrofit solutions to improve energy efficiency and implement renewables, with moderate additional costs. In the first place, this will be realised by the exemplary retrofit of 9 demonstration public buildings in the four participating European regions (North, Central, South, East). By choosing public buildings of different types for implementing the measures it will be easier to reach groups of differing age and social origin. In Denmark the demonstration project concerns the building, Proevehallen ('The test hall'), an old hall building constructed in 1930'ies in 1 floor. However the height of the building is the same as that of a 5 floor building. The purpose of the project is to renovate Proevehallen and thereby turn it into a cultural centre with sports facilities such as a climbing wall, sports hall, etc. The net floor area of the renovated building will be 2500 m2. Secondly, the research work packages will include the socio-economic research such as the identification of real project-planning needs and financing strategies, the assessment of design guidelines, the development of an internet-based knowledge tool on retrofit measures and case studies and a quality control-tool box to secure a good long-term performance of the building and the systems


These public buildings can be used as drivers to heighten awareness and raise soci-ety's level of awareness of energy conservation. Secondly, the research work packages of the project include socio-economic research such as the identification of financing strategies, assessment of design guidelines and development of an internet-based knowledge tool for retrofit measures and case studies. The site in Denmark is an old industrial area that is being completely reshaped, modernised and made into a new neighbourhood with its own identity including the building Ovnhallen renovated into a modern school and Proevehallen which now has become a public cultural centre. The target for energy saving was reached by implementing an integrated concept for energy savings and renewable energy utilisation. The en-ergy savings were achieved by additional insulation of the thermal envelope of the buildings, low-energy win-dows and demand-controlled mechanical and natural ventilation. Renewable energy was utilised in two sys-tems: An array of photovoltaic cells on the south gable wall and an innovative photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar collector that was cooled by a heat pump and the heat delivered to the heating plant of Proevehallen. Looking into the barriers against choosing innovative energy saving solutions in public administrations we started looking at why and how we choose. The answers and conclusions from interviews led to some more specific questions BRITA wanted to quantify by using a questionnaire. The interviews helped to find current alternative answers, and by asking a larger number of persons, a better statistical analysis could be done. These main questions and answers were translated to the different national languages and placed on the website of the BRITA in PuBs project ( E-mails were sent out to a larger group of re-spondents, who are connected through city networks or other networks and type of contacts. The dissemination process is a highly valued part of the BRITA in PuBs project. A Communication Guide has been developed as a result of the Socio Economic Analysis and newsletters are also on this behalf being given much attention. For all dissemination activities the homepage has been seen as the main communication core and publications, deliverables, newsletters etc. can be found on the home-page. As part of the dissemination training of users and maintenance has been paid special attention. The Building information sheets (BISH) are information material for the creating of awareness of different target user groups and lecture preparations.

Key figures

2005 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
0.52 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
52 %
Project budget:
1.00 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Innovativ og energieffektiv renovering af offentligt byggeri - dansk parallelproject til BRITA in PuBs, et EU-6. rammeprogram
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Cenergia Energy Consultants


Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten
Comtact information

Øvr. Partnere: Cenergia Energy Consultants - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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