Enhanced methods for estimation of energy savings impacts

By comparing data from remote-read electricity meters in the Syd Energi supply area with personal and residential data from Statistics Denmark, the project tried to determine the savings effect of three different ''soft'' initiatives. Generally, energy suppliers find it difficult to document the effect of such ''soft'' initiatives. The analyses doc

By comparing data from remote-read electricity meters in the Syd Energi supply area with personal and residential data from Statistics Denmark, the project tried to determine the savings effect of three different ''soft'' initiatives. Generally, energy suppliers find it difficult to document the effect of such ''soft'' initiatives. The analyses documented a significant effect of handing out AutoPowerOff plug banks to the consumers, resulting in average electricity savings of about 160 kWh/year/household. However, it proved more difficult to demonstrate an effect of schooling and informative electricity bills followed up by telephone interviews. (Energy 10)

Key figures

2007 - 2009
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.51 mio. DKK
1.40 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
73 %
Project budget:
1.91 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Udvikling af opgørelsesmetoder for besparelsestiltag
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 339-010


IT Energy ApS (Main Responsible)


Fjordbak Larsen, Troels
Comtact information

IT-Energy ApS
Hørkær 14 A
DK-2730 Herlev, Danmark
Fjordbak Larsen, Troels , 44844255, tfl@it-energy.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Amternes og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut; Lokalenergi; Roskilde Universitetscenter; Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut

Contact email

Energiforskning.dk - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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