HIPWOODS - Health effects related to exposure to indoor particle pollution from wood-burning stoves

Institut for Folkesundhed. Afdeling for Miljø- og Arbejdsmedicin
The project aimed at highlighting possible health effects of firewood smoke in people exposed to various concentrations of firewood smoke.
Project description

HIPWOODS wil highlight the health consequences of using wood-burning stoves and other wood-firing systems. HIPWOODS focuses on users' and neighbours' exposure to particle pollution. This involves human exposure studies in Swedish combustion chambers. The project is coordinated with WOODUSE


The project performed several subjective and objective measurements on volunteers with a view to mapping any effects. The project found no severe effects like diseases or changes to the respiratory function. The project is therefore now testing whether exposure to firewood smoke has triggered sub-clinical inflammation, which may be the early stages of diseases before visible symptoms arise. (Energy 10)

Key figures

2006 - 2008
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.54 mio. DKK
1.80 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
77 %
Project budget:
2.34 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
HIPWOODS - Helbredseffekter relateret til indendørs partikelforurening fra brændeovne
Bio and waste
Case no.
ENMI 2104-05-0045


Aarhus Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Sigsgaard, Torben
Comtact information
Aarhus Universitet. Institut for Folkesundhed. Afdeling for Miljø- og Arbejdsmedicin
Bartholins Allé 2, Bygning 1260
DK-8000 Århus C
Sigsgaard, Torben (prof.), 28992426, ts@mil.au.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Aarhus Universitet. Afd. for Miljø og Arbejdsmedicin
Contact email

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