TOPWASTE - The optimal treatment of waste

Waste as a flexible energy source and wast recycling are important elements of a greener society. TOPWASTE will develop new and advance existing models for planning the treatment of waste, in part from an economic and in part from an environmental and resource related point of view, in order to optimize waste treatment.

TOPWASTE addresses the challenges of planning robust solutions for future waste management. The purpose is to identify economic and environmentally optimal solutions - taking into account different scenarios for the development of the surrounding systems, such as the energy system. During the project, four decision support tools were developed: 1. Frida - The EPA's tool for forecasting future waste generation 2. OptiWaste - a new tool for economic optimisation of investments and operation of the combined waste and energy system 3. KISS - a new lifecycle based model with focus on comparison of greenhouse gas emissions associated with different waste management alternatives 4. A new tool for tecno-economic modelling of central sorting plants The project has furthermore contributed with method development on evaluation of critical resources as well as analyses of economic and organisational factors with influence on the future waste management.

Key figures

2011 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.36 mio. DKK
15.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
82 %
Project budget:
18.36 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
TOPWASTE - The optimal treatment of waste
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.
ENMI 10-093922 og nyt 0603-00394B


Christensen, Per
Comtact information

Aalborg Universitet (AAU). Institut for Samfundsudvikling og Planlægning
Fibigerstræde 13
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø
Christensen, Per , 99409940,
Øvr. Partnere: RAM-løse edb; Syddansk Universitet (SDU); KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Lund Universitet; I/S Reno-Nord; Holmboe Consult; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet; Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Yale University; I/S Amagerforbrænding

Contact email - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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