Ddevelopment of a new membrane concept for biogas upgrading

Denmark has a large untapped potential in biogas. Biogas is a cheap renewable energy source that helps to bring down CO2 emissions and increases Denmark’s independence in energy supply. Biogas production will heavily increase in the following years as the more of liquid manure from farms will be exploited. In this regard, there is a need for the up
Project description

Denmark has a large untapped potential in biogas. Biogas is a cheap renewable energy source that helps to bring down CO2 emissions and increases Denmark’s independence in energy supply. Biogas production will heavily increase in the following years as the more of liquid manure from farms will be exploited. In this regard, there is a need for the up


Denmark has a huge potential for using biogas as a renewable source of energy. However, biogas contains 30% CO2 on average, which means that it is not easy if not impossible to use in the Danish gas grid. For biogas to be usable, CO2 must be removed in a process called biogas upgrading. Among the existing technologies for biogas upgrading, membrane gas separation is especially economical. Danish Technological Institute has recently developed a method of producing membranes for gas separation that employ zeolite particles as additive. This method results in a tight connection between zeolite and polymer, making the membrane significantly adept in separating CO2 from biogas. A certain zeolite type, DD3R, has just recently been detected to be able to increase CO2 removal even more. These two new developments at Danish Technological Institute will be combined with an innovative new solution at Totax Plastic A/S that has sent in a patent application on a cheap way of making gas separation membranes. This collaboration in the project has the goal of producing a membrane unit that will be able to remove CO2 from biogas and compete with the existing technologies.

Key figures

2011 - 2013
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.72 mio. DKK
1.51 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
68 %
Project budget:
2.24 mio. DKK


Bio and waste
Case no.


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut 1,38 mio. DKK 0,66 mio. DKK
Teknologisk Institut 1,38 mio. DKK 0,66 mio. DKK
Totax A/S 0,13 mio. DKK 0,06 mio. DKK
Totax A/S 0,13 mio. DKK 0,06 mio. DKK


Christiansen, Jens
Comtact information

Teknologisk Institut
Gregersensvej 3
DK-2630 Taastrup
Christiansen, Jens , 72202498, jens.christiansen@teknologisk.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Totax A/S

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