Framework for interaction between biogas and natural gas grids

The purpose is to clarify advantages and disadvantages of a large biogas grid supplying larger customers. The biogas grid will be connected to the natural gas grid. Some involved subjects are required balance services of the natural gas grid, technical and legal issues and economy. It is an elucidating project - no demonstration or test involved
Project description

The purpose is to clarify advantages and disadvantages of a large biogas grid supplying larger customers. The biogas grid will be connected to the natural gas grid. Some involved subjects are required balance services of the natural gas grid, technical and legal issues and economy. It is an elucidating project - no demonstration or test involved

Selected results: The idea of establishing a gas frid for distribution of biogas seems viable. In the examined case a part of the biogas must be upgraded and injected into the natural gas grid. Of the examined best business cases the best is where all biogas is injected into the natural gas. However, a more thorough investigation is required. The costs of converting existing natural gas engines on CHP units to biogas operation are found. It depends on age, type and make. The value of biogas from the examined CHP plants point of view is 2,3-2,7 DKK/m3 biogas. (Energy 11)

Key figures

2010 - 2011
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.94 mio. DKK
1.41 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
60 %
Project budget:
2.35 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Rammebetingelser for samspil mellem biogas- og naturgasnet
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


HNG/Midt-Nord (Main Responsible)


Jensen, Per HMN Naturgas I/S; Projektleder: Kvist Jensen, Torben Dansk Gasteknisk Center
Comtact information
HMN Naturgas I/S
Vognmagervej 14
DK-8800 Viborg
Jensen, Per HMN Naturgas I/S; Projektleder: Kvist Jensen, Torben Dansk Gasteknisk Center, 62259639,
Øvr. Partnere: Dansk Gasteknisk Center; 1st Mile; Dansk Fjernvarme; Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune; Rolls Royce; Wärtsilä; GE Jenbacher
Contact email - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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