Generic virtual power plant (VPP) for optimised micro CHP operation and integration

The goal of the project is to develop, test, validate and evaluate a novel control architechture for optimised operation and seamless integration of micro CHP based on a generic virtual plant (VPP) concept.
Project description

Throughout the project there has been a thorough mapping of the concepts related to virtual power plants.  This was published in a number of papers as well as in a PhD thesis.

A number of simulations showed the reaction patterns of many, 20 – 100, individually configured micro-CHP’s. Two interesting market based cases using centrally controlling algorithms were studied, one where the optimization is based on a full calculation of the solution space, another where the optimization is based on an artificial neural network.

Further, a lot work went into mapping the necessary communication onto the IEC62850 standard.

Finally, an important and large derivative is the work relating to electric vehicles where the virtual power plant has got a physical pendant in the fleet management.

Key figures

2007 - 2011
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
3.93 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
3.93 mio. DKK


Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Træholt, Chresten Associate professor
Comtact information

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Elektroteknologi (DTU Elektro)
Ørsteds Plads, Bygning 348
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Træholt, Chresten Associate professor, 45253518,
Øvr. Partnere: - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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