Danish membership 2013-2015. IEA Bioenergy Task 40

The objective of the project is to work for security of supply and demand in a sustainable bioenergy market with international trade, and at the same time recognise the diversity in biomass resources and biomass applications. New biomass pretreatment and conversion technologies will be analysed.

The objective of the project was to work for security of supply and demand in a sustainable bioenergy market with international trade, and at the same time recognise the diversity in biomass resources and biomass applications. New biomass pretreatment and conversion technologies will be analysed.
Project description

1. Mobilisation of sustainable biomass resources for the international market across different regions in the world. Task 40 will analyse upcoming and promising regions for mobilisation of biomass resources (e.g. Russia, Colombia and other LA countries, countries in SE Africa, Australia and New Zealand etc).

2. Exploration and understanding of future market demand for biomass from the broader biobased economy perspective. The work program covers a study in NEW TECHNOLOGIES on biorefining and biochemicals (including cooperation with Task 42) and several smaller studies on supply, trade and demand for biomethane (digestion and gasification based), biofuels in aviation & shipping, and natural fibres and biomaterials.

3. Sustainability and certification. Task 40 has had a profound influence on the international debate on sustainability criteria and should continue to do so. This includes the global overview and assessment of developments of criteria, analysis of the implications for biomass markets and trade and raising attention for the limitations of certification, how these may be resolved, but also what other ways exist to ensuresustainability

4. Support building business and business models for biomass supply and value chains. Investigating the requirements for commoditization of biomass and biofuels will play a central role; we will analyse the past development of key commodity markets and how conditions can be created and enhance to achieve the same for biomass resources and biofuels. Also the impacts of enabling pretreatment technologies such as TORREFACTION on trade will remain high on the agenda (continued cooperation with Task 32 has been agreed upon).

5. Assisting the development and deployment of advanced analysis tools to improve the understanding of potential future market developments, implications and impacts of policies.


Denmark has been represented in IEA Task 40 in the past triennium (2013-2015) by the Danish Technological Institute (official representative) and HOFOR (supporting representative). Key activities have been the participation in IEA Task 40 meeting and related workshops and conference activities. DTI has been actively involved in a number of studies. Major studies were DTI has been the leading author have been an updated version of the “Country Report Denmark” in 2014 and the “Torrefaction study” that has been written in 2015 and will be published in 2016. Apart from that DTI has provided input and data specific for Denmark to the Task 40 newsletter and numerous other studies, workshops and publications within IEA Task 40.
DTI’s participation in the task was supported by The Danish energy technological development and demonstration program (EUDP) under project No. J.nr. 64012-0252

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.31 mio. DKK
0.40 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
56 %
Project budget:
0.71 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Dansk medlemsskab 2013-2015. IEA Bioenergy Task 40
Project type
Case no.



Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut 0,40 mio. DKK 0,31 mio. DKK

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