Innovative two-pipe chilled beam system for both cooling and heating of buildings

Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø

The project aim is to determine requirements and preconditions for a two-pipe chilled beam system for cooling and heating that also can procure a thermally indoor climate at the same level as with a four-pipe chilled beam system can provide but with a less resource consumption and lower energy consumption.

Using a room-temperature loop with supply water temperature of about 22°C, together with active beams, enabled the 2PS to meet room temperature set-points even though, simultaneously, some rooms required heating whereas others required cooling.
Project description

In mechanical ventilated office and administration buildings it is common to combine ventilation with a chilled beam system for cooling and heating. These systems are termed four-pipe chilled beam systems beacuse there are two pipes for cooling (flow/return flow) and two pipes for heating.

The project aim is to determine requirements and preconditions for a two-pipe chilled beam system for cooling and heating that also can procure a thermally indoor climate at the same level as with a four-pipe chilled beam system can provide but with a less resource consumption and lower energy consumption.

The advantages with a two-pipe system is that the energy consumption for the pumps reduces by half and in general will be used less components, which causes lower installation investments and reduced need for regulation. The two-pipe system innovative differs from, that the temperature levels for flow and return flow are closly to the room temperature. This makes it possible to transfer warm and cold directly between rooms and also makes i possible to use renewable energy sources for cooling and heating.

A rough estimation shows a prospect for a total saving of 30-40 % with the use of a two-pipe chilled beam system compared with a four-pipe chilled beam system. The new two-pipe system can be used in both renovation and new build and in office and administration buildings, insitutions, super markets and hospitals.

Using a room-temperature loop with supply water temperature of about 22°C, together with active beams, enabled the 2PS to meet room temperature set-points even though, simultaneously, some rooms required heating whereas others required cooling. The use of Modelica made it possible to develop a de-tailed and comprehensive energy and control model of the system. Simulation results showed that the two-pipe system was able to use less energy than the four-pipe system due to three effects: useful heat transfer from warm to cold zones, higher free cooling potential and higher efficiency of the heat pump. The following conclusions can be drawn:
- Due to the room-temperature loop layout, heat was transferred from the core zone to the perimeter zones. When considering only the energy use for space heating and cooling, savings between of approximately 21% occurred.
-Due to the higher supply water temperature in cooling mode, the dry cooler in the two-pipe system was able to remove more heat than the dry cooler in the four-pipe system. Inparticular, the dry cooler in the two-pipe system removed approximately between 70% of cooling demand versus approximately 33% in the four-pipe system.
- Due to the lower supply water temperature in heating mode, the heat pump in the two-pipe system achieved a value of the HSPF 48% higher than the heat pump in the four-pipe system. This allowed for a significant reduction of primary energy use for space heating.
- When comparing the total annual primary energy use, the two-pipe system used approximately 18% less total primary energy (including ventilation) per year than the four-pipe system.
- The controller for the regulation of the supply water temperature was able to meet heating and cooling set-points in all the five rooms.

Key figures

2013 - 2017
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.68 mio. DKK
1.56 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
48 %
Project budget:
3.25 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Innovativt 2-rørsbaffelsystem til såvel køling som opvarmning af bygninger
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 345-010


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Lindab A/S - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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