Energy efficient compact air heating system for single-family houses

Energieffektivisering & Ventilation

The project develops a simple, low-cost, installation and service friendly energy efficient air heating system that covers the need for ventilation, heating and hot utility water by combining ventilation with heat recovery and a heat pump that delivers fresh air with and without heating regulated by the room level.

The results shows, that air-heat systems can cover the need for ventilation and heating. This is achieved by a combination of a heat recovery unit for delivering fresh air and a newly developed air-heat unit for heating and mixing the recycled air with the fresh air.
Project description

The project develops a simple, low-cost, installation and service friendly energy efficient air heating system that covers the need for ventilation, heating and hot utility water by combining ventilation with heat recovery and a heat pump that delivers fresh air with and without heating regulated by the room level.

Low-energy bulding class. 1 or class. 2 is 10-20 % more expensive than BR 10 buildings. This results from the market wishes of traditionally shaping with new constructions and often complex installations as heat pumps and renewable energy systems. The low energy consumption makes the utilization of airborne room heating as a attractive low-cost alternative to traditional systems because the traditional ventilation system can be extended with the heating system functions so the ventialtion system is unnecessary.

The necessary extensive renovation of existing single-family houses include significant improvements of the building envelope such as isolating and efficient sealing, changes of the heat  source and partly og totally changing of the heating system and establishment of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. In this connection will a extension of the mechanical ventialtion contribute with a better and more low-cost solution.

Heated air is not new in Denmark and is used in Passivhaus. More aspects have been problematic as missing heating due to the house dimensions and not room level as missing individual room regulation.

The project result is a new concept with system solutions, product portfolio and a dimensioning tool. Compact systems must secure temperature and volume regulation for each single room. By developing a device with cold and warm air and integrated mixture proportion that secures the desired temperature in each room as modulate injection unit that secures the desired air volume and optimal energy efficient comfort.


This project purpose was to crack the normal thinking about heating and document that air-heat can be used as the only heating source for a household. The results shows, that air-heat systems can cover the need for ventilation and heating. This is achieved by a combination of a heat recovery unit for delivering fresh air and a newly developed air-heat unit for heating and mixing the recycled air with the fresh air. The total air-heat system regulates the air volumen due to the need and gives possibilities for regulating the injection temperature at room level.

Key figures

2013 - 2017
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.28 mio. DKK
1.38 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
52 %
Project budget:
2.66 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Kompakt system til ventilation, opvarmning og brugsvandsforsyning til energirenoverede enfamilieshuse og lavenergibyggeri – luftvarmesystem med varmepumpe
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.
ELFORSK 345-013


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)


Christian Grønborg Nicolaisen
Contact email - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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