Model Predictive Controle of Hybride Ventilation Systems in office buildings with dynamic glass

The project develops an overall avanced strategy for electricity and heat saving for regulating hybride ventilation systems with night cooling function and cooling system with involvment of a MPC (Model Predictive Control). The focus is on optimizing the cost function - the total energy cost compared with the variation in room temperature and outdoor climate. The MPC has already penetrated the process industry due to is reliability, exactness, flexibility and direct involvment on energy costs in the strategy. 

The project has develops an overall avanced strategy for electricity and heat saving for regulating hybride ventilation systems with night cooling function and cooling system with involvment of a MPC (Model Predictive Control). The focus is on optimizing the cost function - the total energy cost compared with the variation in room temperature and outdoor climate.
Project description

This development project uses the facility EnergyFlexOffice at Technological Insitute, where the work will be around dynamic glasses as part of a hybride ventilation system.

The project develops an overall avanced strategy for electricity and heat saving for regulating hybride ventilation systems with night cooling function and cooling system with involvment of a MPC (Model Predictive Control). The focus is on optimizing the cost function - the total energy cost compared with the variation in room temperature and outdoor climate. The MPC has already penetrated the process industry due to is reliability, exactness, flexibility and direct involvment on energy costs in the strategy.

The solution secures energy efficient control, that combines:

  • Primary mechanical balanced ventilation system supported by natural ventilation
  • Automatic night cooling (ventilative cooling)
  • Predictive control after expected outdoor climate

The project results complementary the best from both ventilation systems and create general solutions than individual uniqe solutions for each building. The mindset in this project follows a new trend both internationally and nationally which also has made it necessary the rethink the existing ventilation standard DS-447 to include hybride ventilation systems.

The project results is primarly directed towards a cost effective effort for energy efficiency of existing office buildings. An imperative effort according to Michael H. Nielsen, business manager at Dansk Byggeri, Mette Odgaard Mylin, office manager, Energistyrelsen, Henrik L. Bang, business manager, Bygherreforeningen etc. The project results will also be uses in new build. The electricity saving potential alone with night cooling is estimated to 50-340 GWh per year. 

Key figures

2013 - 2017
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.64 mio. DKK
0.79 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
55 %
Project budget:
1.44 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Prædiktiv styring (MPC) af hybride ventilationssystemer i kontorbyggeri med dynamiske glasfacader
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 345-033


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