CHPCOM Combined Heat and Power Communication

CHPCOM (Combined Heat and Power Communication) is a project that through practical experience will analyse, develop and demonstrate the use of international Smart Grid related data communication standards, specifically IEC 61850 and IEC 62351 for IT security. CHPCOM focuses on distributed generation, specifically CHPs and their business partners.
The CHPCOM projects goal is to develop an IT communication solution, which should make the Danish power system ready for Smart Grid. The method is to standardise data communication between CHP-plants and the other actors of the power system.
Project description
CHPCOM (Combined Heat and Power Communication) brings the future Smart Grid solutions for data communication for distributed generation, specifically CHP, closer to the present needs.The international data communication standards for DER have been developed for more than 10 years, and now the vast majority of the standards are ready for use.Both nationally and internationally the necessity and potential of data communication between resources and stakeholders in the power system has been realised. This is what Smart Grid is about.CHPCOM is a joint industry projects with the partners Danish District Heating Association, the Danish CHP Association, Danish Energy Association, and EURISCO. The project is funded by ForskEL to promote the international Smart Grid data communication standards, specifically IEC61850 for Distrubuted Energy Resources and IEC62351 for IT security.CHP has for many years been a valuable asset in the Danish power system for balancing purposes. CHPCOM will highlight both the technical and economical benefits and develop the system integration even further. The goal for CHPCOM is, in cooperation with Danish CHP owners, power market stakeholders, plant suppliers and grid utilities, by practical demonstration to bring Danish CHPs the next step towards the future Smart Grid.

The CHPCOM projects goal is to develop an IT communication solution, which should make the Danish power system ready for Smart Grid. The method is to standardise data communication between CHP-plants and the other actors of the power system.

When data communication is standardized the barriers which prohibits effective data exchange are broken down. This gives a long list of opportunities and advantages for the CHP-plant and the other actors of the power system including:

  • Automated data exchange of environment and measurement data between CHP-plants and other actors through internet based communication.
  • Secure access to measurement data from other actors.
  • Easier administration and higher quality of data at CHP-plants and other actors.
  • More flexible production and possibility for delivery of new services.
  • Lower costs when changing balance responsible party – both for the plant and the balance responsible party.

With the CHPCOM solution the Danish combined heat and power sector is equipped for a future power marked based on renewable energy, interoperation between the plants and a higher demand for intelligent management of the operation.

Key figures

2013 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
4.17 mio. DKK
10.99 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
72 %
Project budget:
15.16 mio. DKK


Case no.



Dansk Energi (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Comtact information

Vodroffsvej 59, 1900 Frederiksberg C, Danmark

T: +45 35 300 400
E: - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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