Nikola - Intelligent Electric Vehicle Integration

Smart charging services for electric vehicles can help reduce the cost for both owner and power system. They are, however, unlikely to be adopted by OEMs and market players if left unresolved. While the rollout of EVs and charging infrastructure is still in its infancy, a window of opportunity is open to influence how great an asset EVs will become
Nikola is a Danish research and demonstration project focusing on the synergies between the electric vehicle (EV) and the power system. With sufficient control and communication it is possible to influence the timing, rate and direction of the power and energy exchanged between an EV battery and the grid.
Project description
The success of the electric vehicle will, in many ways, depend on the cost associated with its introduction into the Danish power system. The cost or savings that the EV will incur on power generation, transmission and distribution will be felt directly by the individual energy consumer. The costs will be reflected in monthly energy bills, taxes and in the cost of owning an electric vehicle. A potential EV owner will share one specific trait with the power system planner and decision maker. They will both face large investment in adapting to a new paradigm. For consumers it will be the upfront cost of purchasing an EV and for the TSO the cost of designing and implementing a new and smarter power system.It is the firm belief of the Nikola partners that well-designed control methods can help reduce the cost for the above stakeholders and make investments on both sides pay off in the long term.While the rollout of EVs and charging infrastructure is still in its infancy, a window of opportunity is open to influence the choice of technologies. It is vital to use this period to unleash the full potential of the EVs.
Nikola is a Danish research and demonstration project focusing on the synergies between the electric vehicle (EV) and the power system.
With sufficient control and communication it is possible to influence the timing, rate and direction of the power and energy exchanged between an EV battery and the grid.
This ability can be used in a set of "services" that bring value to the power system, the EV owner and society in general. Nikola thoroughly investigated such services, developed and investigated technologies that could support them and demonstrated them through both simulations and in-field testing.
Two vehicle OEMs joined the project, allowing the project to demonstrate and validate services on series produced electric vehicles.
The project has contributed to Danish R&D with more than 20 academic papers, 35 student projects and a PhD study.
Nikola final report, Jan 2017 2
Furthermore, the results of the project are used directly in commercial applications (Frederiksberg Forsyning Pilot) as well as upcoming R&D activities (ACES, Parker).

Key figures

2013 - 2017
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.37 mio. DKK
10.83 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
67 %
Project budget:
16.20 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Nikola - Intelligent Electric Vehicle Integration
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Peter Bach Andersen
Comtact information

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