Component to control fast charging of electric vehicles

The purpose is to implement and demonstrate CHAdeMO and IEC62196-3 DC fast charging functionality in a battery management systems for lithium-ion batteries for use in electric cars and industrial machines. It will be the first commercially available BMS to support these fast charge protocols. Two European car and battery manufacturers support in the project

The project yielded practical experience with how the life time of the batteries can be preserved even when turbocharged. In addition an officiel certification for this type of product has been established. The experiences with making CHAdeMO and GB/T turbocharging interfaces can later be used for making an additional product fit for the third turbocharging standart CCS
Project description

The purpose of this project is to implement fast charging protocols in a new module for Lithium Balance's Battery Management System platforms for electric vehicles and industrial machines.

For electric vehicles to become an attractive alternative to conventional cars with internal combustion engines, it shall be possible to recharge the electric car in a matter of minutes and then continue the journey - just as it is possible to refuel conventional cars in short time. For this purpose a number of fast charging protocols have been developed by the major automotive car manufacturers and fast charging stations are being deployed worldwide. In the project three types of lithium-ion batteries will be tested in order to develop BMS algorithms that prolong battery life in fast charging situation. BMS module will be developed to support the CHAdeMO and IEC62196-3 DC fast charging standards, and the solution will be demonstrated in vehicles.


The final product was marketed and displayed during the project period directly to customers. Primary target group is EV-producers so the marketing has been global. Great interest has been taken in this product. So far the product has been sold in smaller quantities to these producers for, initially, development of their own vehicles. Larger quantities are expected later on. No patents have been made.

There seem so be no basis for a patent. Our commercial focus is to aid the initial customers in achieving success with the product in their vehicle development, in which they have chosen to use our turbocharging interface. We have been tasked with making a custom battery management system where the turbocharge function is integrated into the BSM for a specific chinese customer. We continue to recieve inquiries fra potential customers and perform marketing.

In relation to the further development of the techonology an adaptation for the third turbocharging standart CCS must be developed. The current product must also continously be updated to fit the current standart in which V2H and greater charging is the focus. The possibility of adding the turbocharging function to our Battery Management System for specific customer will be explored. 

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.10 mio. DKK
1.72 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
45 %
Project budget:
3.82 mio. DKK


Energy efficiency
Case no.


Lithium Balance A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Lithium Balance A/S 1,72 mio. DKK 2,10 mio. DKK - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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