Challenges, when buying heatpumps to existing single family homes

It is important to have more heat pumps in existing single family homes as a contribution to increased electrification and energy efficiency. The project provides an overview of challenges and barriers in the latter part of the purchase phase, for example, when the family has to decide, which solution is the best match to the house, family preferences and the planned investment.
Get an overview of the barriers costumers have in choosing, purchasing or renting heat pumps for their homes and what delays the investments in heat pumps in existing homes.
Project description

Reduced electricity prices, because of the removal of the PSO tarif, will make water based heat pumps more profitable in the future. This makes it important to identify, if there are other barriers in the purchase phase to be handled.

This project will make a survey among 300 owners of existing single family houses, who have asked for a quote for a water based heat pump. Was it difficult or easy for the customers to decide, which brand and heat pump solution was the most suitable to their house, family needs and economy? Which were the major challenges, if any. Very often, the customers do not have money for the top model and must reduce ambitions and choose something else. How often was this the reality for the customers. Was it easy or difficulty to create an overview of the different options and the impact of different decisions on the energy bill, operational costs and comfort. What is pro and cons of different solutions. Is it only few customers, who experience serious challenges in the purchase phase, or are such challenges more widespread. The survey will also ask, if the family did buy a heat pump or still remain in a clarifying phase or maybe did choose another heat supply.

The project will make recommendations on how to make it easier for the customers to buy or rent a heat pump - in quote giving and direct communication with customers, etc.



  • The purchase fase needs to light and easy for a larger part of the costumers eg. 75 pct. 
  • The work to make an offer needs to be uniform and more systematic eg. a standard template. 
  • A more effective marketing of the Heat Pump List (varmepumpelisten).
  • Information about remedy due to the offer and beloning guarantee.
  • The possibilities for longer periods of guarantee and supplementary insurances.
  • Certification of installation contractors to insure the costumers for corrrect offers, purchases and installations.
  • That 'nærvarme' and leasing is an imortant part of the deployment of heat pumps. 
  • Remember to share the good experiences with future costumers and take care of the bad ones. 

Key figures

2017 - 2019
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.13 mio. DKK
0.27 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
68 %
Project budget:
0.40 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Varmepumper i eksisterende helårshuse, barrierer i købsproces
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.
ELFORSK 349-058


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