IEA DHC Annex TS2 - Implementation of Low Temperature District Heating Systems (18-20)

The aim to develop a practical handbook for implementation of 4 generation district heating aimed at key stakeholders. Through international collaboration, this project will develop, demonstrate, and present technical solutions that Danish manufacturers and companies can offer, when energy efficient district heating is implemented in the years to come.

Project description

This project covers the Danish participation in the international research project  entitled “DHC Annex TS2: Implementation of Low Temperature District Heating Systems” and located under the International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power (IEA DHC|CHP).

The aim of IEA DHC Annex 2 is to reach a level where we can begin to implement 4th generation district heating solutions in the district heating market. The main purpose of the Danish participation in the research project is to contribute to international research and application of low-temperature district heating, and to ensure that Danish companies and stakeholders possess the newest international knowledge about low-temperature district heating. This will support development and export opportunities in participating Danish companies such as Danfoss, Brunata and Grundfos, who will have the option to present technical components for low-temperature district heating to an international forum and gain new knowledge on the use of these in other European countries. The inclusion of Danish district heating companies such as Viborg Fjernvarme and Frederiksberg Forsyning will furthermore ensure that the newest international knowledge is applied to support efficient transition of Danish district heating systems to low-temperature district heating.

The main activities of the project will be to develop new solutions for low-temperature district heating, demonstrate the use of state-of-the-art technology within this area, and evaluate results from European projects on implementation of 4th generation district heating. The goal of these activities is to produce a practical handbook for implementation of energy efficient 4th generation district heating. The project thereby supports international goals to reduce CO2-emissions and obtain independence of fossil fuels.

Key figures

2018 - 2021
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.40 mio. DKK
1.98 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
83 %
Project budget:
2.37 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IEA DHC Annex TS2 - Implementering af lavtemperaturfjernvarmesystemer (18-20)
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danfoss A/S 0,32 mio. DKK 0,13 mio. DKK


Svend Svendsen
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Bygning 118

2800 Kgs Lyngby

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