IEA Expert Group on R&D Prioritisation and Evaluation

The project develops international state of the art knowledge on energy technology policies, strategies and mechanisms and therby contributes to the Danish knowledge base on energy, technology policies and actions.
Since its inception in 1994 the Experts Group has served as a forum for collaboration and exchange of information on topics such as energy R&D trends in governments, R&D trands in industry, set of criteria for national and international R&D priority setting and methodologies for evaluating R&D programmes. Senior experts from 19 countries and the EU engaged in national and international RD&D efforts collaborate on current issues through international workshops, information exchange networking and outreach. The results and recommendations support R&D managers at different levels - industry, national and international levels - on information, knowledge sharing and good practises on design, implementation and evaluation of R&D efforts in general. Further, results support CERT, feed into IEA analysis and provide a global perspective on national RD&D efforts. The work is structured along two annual workshops followed by a Steering Group meeting Danish leadership of the Experts Group will assure: - Dialogue with Danish stakeholders, in particular the Danish Energy Authority/EUDP and Energinet on relevant topics to be included in the work programme and activities. - Invitation to relevant Danish experts from authorities, research institutes and industry to give workshop presentations and participate in workshops discussions. - Disseminastion of the results and recommendations from the Group's activities to relevant Danish stakeholders.

Key figures

2018 - 2020
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.04 mio. DKK
0.38 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
90 %
Project budget:
0.42 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
IEA Ekspertgruppe vedr F&U Prioritering og Evaluering
Case no.



Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


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