Tomorrow App

​Tomorrow is developing an app, that among other things allows any household to connect their smart meter’s data to the app.

The procject gave us a much better understanding of the market and we got closer to product-market fit, while enabling more citizens and companies to use electricity at the right time.

Project description

Tomorrow is developing an app, that among other things allows any household to connect their smart meter’s data to the app and see

  1. resulting greenhouse gas emissions from their electricity consumption,
  2. advice about when to use electricity in the future.

The goal is to reduce unnecessary electricity usage and use electricity during climate-friendly times. 


The idea behind the ELFORSK project was to link the innovations behind electricityMap, the North app, the Energinet’s API and the IFTTT (that stands for “If-this-thenthat”) service. By doing so, we could enable individuals and small businesses to use the power at greener times and keep track of their carbon footprint.

So far, electricityMap’s data has been reserved for companies with significant funds - this project will make that data available to far more people. If the North app could be linked to Energinet’s new API and the electricityMap data, it would be much easier to keep track of one’s carbon footprint. If one could connect IFTTT to electricityMap data, it could also become significantly easier to use your smart devices at the right time. Over time, we learnt that the app could not be a viable project.

First of all, extensive competition and an audience that was already climate-aware meant that our marginal climate impact would be small.

Second, fewer APIs became available over time which meant the app was not as engaging as expected. Third, our private-by-design approach and our reluctance to use monetization models like ads or offsets meant it was difficult to pursue this as an opportunity.

However, our discussions with users meant that our approach could be re-used for a B2B product that became Bloom, we decided over the summer - to focus on this product and to enable Bloom users to see the forecast of the electricity carbon intensity over the next 24 hours.

The integration with Energinet is now available open-source, and the IFTTT integration with electricityMap is also available for users around the world.

Thanks to the ELFORSK-project, we were able to gain a much better understanding of the market and get closer to product-market fit, while enabling more citizens and companies to use electricity at the right time.

Key figures

2019 - 2020
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.48 mio. DKK
0.39 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
45 %
Project budget:
0.87 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Tomorrow app’en
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.
ELFORSK 351-053


Tomorrow (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
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