Optimized combination of heat pump and biomass plant

The main purpose of this project is to develop and demonstrate an optimized heating plant that will have much higher efficiency and much less CO2 emissions than the heating plants that are built today.
The purpose is to demonstrate at heating plant that:

  1. Have minimum 20% higher efficiency of the heat pump on yearly basis
  2. 100% reduction of CO2 emissions compared to the heating plants that are built today.
  3. Is very flexible in relation to varying electricity and biofuel prices.
  4. Will reduce CH4 emissions, thus reduce greenhouse effect
  5. Can be exported by Danish companies and thus lead to employment in Denmark

The political ambition of climate neutral heating has increased. Electrical driven heat pumps are a particularly important technology to achieve this ambition.
But the heat-pump heating plants that have been built the past two years are not optimized re-garding energy efficiency and most heating plants have quite high CO2 emissions because they have natural gas boilers as back-up and peak supply.
The main problems with the heat pump installations of today are:

  • Icing of evaporator, reducing performance and efficiency - Consumption of district heating to keep evaporator ice-free - Low efficiency and power output in the winter.

Furthermore, it is not environmentally appropriate for the heat pumps to run as a base load. When electricity generation from wind is insufficient the heat pump should shut down and a cli-mate friendly back-up should take over.
The project will develop and demonstrate an innovative integration of the heat pump and a bio-mass boiler concept developed by Dall Energy which fulfill the political ambitions:
• Climate friendly heating
• High energy efficiency
• Export of green technology

Project description

The project will demonstrate:
20% higher efficiency of the heat pump is achieved by:
• Flue gas condensate from the biomass boiler will be used for de-icing the evaporator.
• Increase COP by 50-100% in winter by lowering the temperature of the district heating water the heat pump must supply.
Reduction of CO2 emissions is achieved by:
• Using a climate neutral fuel (waste wood or wood chips) as back up fuel for the heat pump. Standard backup fuel today is natural gas, which typically supply 25% of the heat pr. year.
Flexibility in relation to varying electricity and biofuel prices is achieved by:
• Installing a heat pump and a biomass boiler that can regulate very fast between 10%-100% load
Reduction of CH4 emissions is achieved by:
• Using waste wood as the main fuel for the biomass boiler. The climate partnership for “waste, water and circular economy” recommend stopping composting of waste wood as the composting process leads to CH4 emissions. https://mfvm.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/klimpartnerskab_afrapportering-for-affald-vand-og-cirkulaer-oekonomi.pdf
The main activities of the project will be:
- Design of integrated and optimized solution - Obtaining necessary regulatory approvals - tender for construction of building and heat pump - Building the Demonstration Plant - Commissioning - Verification

Key figures

2021 - 2026
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.22 mio. DKK
6.29 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
37 %
Project budget:
16.81 mio. DKK


Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


DALL ENERGY ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
DALL ENERGY ApS 4,61 mio. DKK 3,01 mio. DKK
COWI A/S 0,23 mio. DKK 0,02 mio. DKK
SILKEBORG VARME A/S 1,45 mio. DKK 2,18 mio. DKK


Jens Dall Bentzen
Comtact information

Dr. Neergaardsvej 3,
2970 Hørsholm
Tlf.: 29872222

Contact email

Energiforskning.dk - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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