
HyBalance is a project that demonstrates the use of hydrogen in energy systems. The hydrogen will be produced from water electrolysis, enabling the storage of cheap renewable electricity from wind turbines. It will thus help balance the grid, and the green hydrogen will be used for clean transportation and in the industrial sector.

HyBalance byggede et fuldskala elektrolyseanlæg i Hobro, der blev indviet i september 2018. Anlægget er nu et af Europas største og mest avancerede anlæg til konvertering af elektricitet til brint ved hjælp af vandbaseret elektrolyse, og skal demonstrere, hvordan energi fra vindmøller kan lagres i form af brint, der senere kan anvendes i bl.a. transportsektoren.


The HyBalance project in Denmark is one of several initiatives to help transform energy systems from fossil dependency to relying on renewable and local energy sources by utilising the potential of hydrogen. The hydrogen is produced from water electrolysis, and the HyBalance project will demonstrate how to produce hydrogen on a larger scale from wind power, enabling the storage of cheap renewable electricity, helping to balance the grid and supplying the industrial and the transportation sector with green hydrogen. The balance is kept by operating flexible production and consumption units and by importing and exporting electricity. Dynamic PEM electrolyzing offers such flexibility using electricity when the prices are low or there is a need for balancing and transforming it into hydrogen. The HyBalance project will demonstrate the highly dynamic operation of the 1.2 MW PEM electrolyser to provide grid balancing services, a high efficiency over long time duration and a high level of availability.

The HyBalance project will be the first project to demonstrate the complete value chain from hydrogen renewable energy production to end users, including hydrogen stations and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) in circulation. Thus, the HyBalance project will contribute to accelerating the development of clean mobility in Denmark, and will assess the market for hydrogen mobility in Denmark, including cars, forklift trucks and busses. The hydrogen produced in the HyBalance project will be capable of supplying a fleet of more than 800 FCEVs and could contribute up to 0.5 per cent of the transport sector GHG reduction targets in Denmark.

The HyBalance project will demonstrate how hydrogen can act as an energy-storage medium and thus maximize the use of renewable energy resources. For large scale storage of hydrogen, salt caverns are very suitable. The underground in Northern Denmark, where the HyBalance facility will operate, is blessed with salt caverns, which in a future scenario might be utilized for storage purposes.

HyBalance is a technology showcase for sustainable development pathways in Europe. Denmark has been chosen as location for the project, being a leading country with integration of renewables into the energy system. The project receives European support through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking, and support through the Danish ForskEL-program.


Anlægget producerer brint, primært når el-prisen er lav og der som oftest er meget vindmøllestrøm i nettet. Den producerede brint afsættes i første omgang til industrien og på sigt til transportsektoren.

Med HyBalance vises således, hvordan man kan løse nogle af de store udfordringer i den grønne omstilling af energisystemet: Balancering af el-nettet, lagring af vedvarende energi og overførsel af vedvarende energi til transportsektoren.

Projektet demonstreres med videre støtte fra EU-programmet FCH-JU, og man kan følge med i resultaterne på www.hybalance.eu

Key figures

2015 - 2018
Egen finansiering:
0,00 mio.
18,50 mio.
40 %
46,00 mio.


Oprindelig title
Fælles overordnet teknologiområde


Air Liquide (FR) (Main Responsible)
Partner og Økonomi
Partner Tilskud Eget bidrag
NEAS ENERGY A/S 1.39 mio.
Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnick GmbH

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