Process technology for sustainable Building materials production

The aim is to ensure a competitive and sustainable building material industry with low greenhouse gas emissions, minimal environmental impact and high recycling of waste materials. FLSmidth, ROCKWOOL International and DTU will collaborate on developing renewable energy based cement and stone wool products. The collaboration will focus on developing new and improved technologies in four areas: - Increased use of non-fossil fuels as biomass or waste. It is the objective to improve the combustion units (FLS’s kiln systems and ROCKWOOL’s integrated melting cyclone) such that they can accept an increased amount of renewable fuel and waste fuels (WP2) - Optimization of advanced cyclone reactor technology by CFD modeling and full scale measurements to improve energy efficiency, lower investment costs, maximize use of alternative raw materials; and obtain integrated emission abatement in cyclones of Cement plants and the use of large fractions of biomass in ROCKWOOLs Integrated Melting Cyclones (IMF) (WP3). - Increased use of alternative raw materials. For FLSmidth in combination with the use of a new cement production process to make a large reduction in cement greenhouse gas emissions; and for the ROCKWOOL process, to reduce the consumption of minerals by increased waste re-cycling (WP4). - A reduced emission of harmful species as NOx, HCl, SO2, CO and TOC from the production processes (WP5). Value of project Knowledge will be provided to construct more competitive and environmentally friendly production plants - and in the case of ROCKWOOL potentially a fossil fuel free melting technology. Time to market Because FLSmidth continuously upgrade existing cement plants, and ROCKWOOL plan both to upgrade current plants and build new factories, project results can immediately be applied. New knowledge The project will provide new knowledge on the areas: Use of renewable fuels, waste recycling, improved design of cyclone reactors, emission reduction. 

Key figures

2018 - 2023
Egen finansiering:
34,01 mio.
20,00 mio.
37 %
54,01 mio.


Fælles overordnet teknologiområde


Partner og Økonomi
Partner Tilskud Eget bidrag
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 2.00 mio. 4.00 mio.
ROCKWOOL A/S 15.00 mio.
FLSmidth A/S 15.01 mio. - en fælles informationsportal for energiteknologiske forsknings- og udviklingsprogrammer.

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