GS22 INTEGRATE Informative Mapping of Construction Aggregate Resources Through Statistical Data Analysis

Construction aggregates is a broad category of coarse grained materials like sand, gravel and stone used in construction and infrastructure projects. Aggregates are the most mined resources globally, and annually about 25 million cubic meters are extracted and processed in Denmark. A significant part of the aggregate costs is related to transportation. In Denmark, the direct costs amount to approx. 3 billion DKK annually. Calculations suggest that an additional 650M DKK are needed to cover indirect costs related to abrasion of roads, accidents, climate change, air pollution, congestion, etc. Therefore, this project aims at building a new and beyond state-of-the-art framework, based on information theory, allowing more informative mapping of aggregate resources using electromagnetic (EM) measurements (Figure 1). On top of the mapping framework, we will develop a web-based frontend system, allowing decision makers to extract relevant information to perform aggregate resource extraction planning. With this framework it will be possible to locate new aggregate resources, and in turn save 365M DKK in reduced transportation costs. The project will revolutionize mapping of the near-surface, using EM data, and the outcome will have a significant economic, societal and environmental impact. In addition, it will strengthen Denmark’s position as an international frontrunner on utilizing EM data in subsurface mapping, and also provide new export opportunities for Danish technology.

Key figures

2023 - 2026
Egen finansiering:
6,00 mio.
14,51 mio.
71 %
20,51 mio.


Fælles overordnet teknologiområde
Bygninger og byggeri Data, digitalisering og automatisering Softwareløsninger


I-GIS A/S (Main Responsible)
Partner og Økonomi
Partner Tilskud Eget bidrag
I-GIS A/S 3.43 mio. 1.33 mio.
WSP Danmark A/S 0.66 mio. 0.79 mio.
Aarhus Universitet 4.76 mio. 1.19 mio.
Region Syddanmark 0.21 mio. 0.33 mio.
Region Midtjylland 1.39 mio. 1.19 mio.
De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland 3.45 mio. 0.86 mio.
University of Cagliari 0.42 mio. 0.22 mio.
Geological Survey of Sweden 0.18 mio. 0.10 mio. - en fælles informationsportal for energiteknologiske forsknings- og udviklingsprogrammer.

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