District heating prices in a liberalised energy market - benchmarking the production of combined heat and power

Afdelingen for Systemanalyse

Facing a market structure of independent heating systems and cost-of-service regulation the regulator considers ways to create incentives for increasing efficiency in heat production. One way is to implement benchmark regulation.

Project description

Households are often obliged to connect to and solely use district heating. The district heating plants, both municipal and corporate, are protected natural monopolies exploiting economies of scale. This should be beneficial to customer, but it turns out, that heat changes varies by factor 5 from the cheapest to the most expensive area. Hence consumer charges are subject to cost-based regulation. The Danish energy legislation has recently been updated to stimulate enhanced competition between energy suppliers. In fact, the competition in the power generation sector is now so fierce, that market concentration has been encouraged to reduce the risk of bankruptcies. The monopoly regulation of heating seems to be inconsistent with the market orientation of the other energy sectors. In order to perform cost introspection to identify possible causes of price differences the project applies Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to the district heating sector. Since DEA can be enhanced to be a yard-stick competition tool, the study also provides the initial step with respect to applying best-practice regulation to a natural local monopoly sector


The aim of the project has been twofold: (1) To investigate the potential for increasing productivity in Danish district heating production and (2) to examine whether benchmarking has a role to play. Using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) our analyses show that by assuming variable returns to scale there exist a potential to reduce production costs by 5-27 % depending on the portfolio of inputs and outputs included in the model. Further, our analyses show that the ranking of producers are much dependent on the choice of model. Hence great care has to be taken when implementing benchmarking as a regulatory mean

Key figures

2000 - 2001
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.17 mio. DKK
1.19 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
2.37 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Fjernvarmepriser i et liberaliseret energimarked - benchmarking i kraftvarmeproduktionen
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)


Fristrup, Peter
Comtact information
Forskningscenter Risø. Afdelingen for Systemanalyse
P.O. Box 49
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Fristrup, Peter (seniorforsker), 46774677, risoe@risoe.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole; Amternes og Kommunernes Forskningsinstitut (AKF)

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