Demonstration of new blade design using manufacturing process simulation

The project has used tools for process simulation to improve understanding of wind turbine blades. Based on the measurements, the project participants designed a new wing, followed by a demonstration of its strength. The aim of the design stage was to reduce the weight of the blades of up to 40%, as weight reduction equals cost reduction. The produced demo-wing collapsed, however, at 58% of the expected maximum load.

Project description


We see a large potential by using modern process simulation tools to understand the forming of imperfections and thereby being able to reduce size and number of imperfections in future wind turbine blades. The recent progress in understanding of structural mechanisms has led to several new ideas to improve future design of wind turbine blades, but these ideas are of limited use, if they cannot be manufactures or if the manufacturing process creates new structural weaknesses. We therefore see a large potential by using modern process simulation tools to predict the consequence of including new structural solutions in the design of future wind turbine blades. The purpose with this project is therefore twofold. Firstly, the purpose is, through process simulations and experiments, to increase understanding of how imperfections are formed and to develop methods to predict and avoid forming of imperfections. Secondly, the purpose is, through process simulations and structural design, to manufacture a new blade using new structural solutions and then to demonstrate superior strength through full-scale tests.



The project's ambition to produce large wind turbine blades by up to 40% less material has proven to be ambitious. SSP Technology produced a demo wing, which collapsed by 58% of the expected maximum load. The cause of the collapse was not determined with certainty. The project has shown that there is a need for full-scale testing of the calculated strength.

The project has also shown that it is possible to simulate the important parts of the manufacturing process of long-fiber composites, to provide models for the curing process and in the calculation of residual stresses in the laminate. The models used have been designed as sub-routines to commercial software and will thus make it possible to simulate larger issues.

Progress made ​​in connection with the process simulation could contribute in several areas due to improved ability to optimize the curing process and calculate the residual stresses. The process simulation can be used to streamline the manufacturing process, reduce the error rate in the production and reduce the consumption of materials for the blades.

The project has also been instrumental in starting a spin-off company that will commercialize patents for the used reinforcements.

Key figures

2009 - 2012
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
5.97 mio. DKK
5.48 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
48 %
Project budget:
11.45 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Demonstration af nyt vingedesign ved brug af processimulering af fabrikationsprocessen
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 4,45 mio. DKK


Mølholt Jensen, Find
Comtact information

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Risø Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi (Risø DTU). Afdelingen for Vindenergi
Frederiksborgvej 399, Bygning 118
DK-4000 Roskilde
Mølholt Jensen, Find , 46775054,
Øvr. Partnere: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Mekanisk Teknologi (DTU Mekanik); SSP Technology A/S; Fiberline Composites A/S; Marström Composite AB

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