Advanced thermal models for energy efficient building design

Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø
Development of models for thermal indoor climate that gives a complete picture of the thermal conditions in a room.
This Ph.D. study presents a tool for simulation and evaluation of thermal comfort based on building energy simulations. The gap of missing input parameters for thermal comfort calculations has been closed with calculation methods for clothing level, air velocities and thermal radiant exchange.
Project description

During a Ph.D study (coordinated by SBi-AAU and AAU's research school for civil engineering) models are developed for thermal indoor climate, that gives a complete picture of the thermal conditions in a room. The models are going to be implemented i BSim softeware programme pack so it can be put into practice.


More than 40 years ago Povl Ole Fanger presented his doctor dissertation on thermal comfort. The discoveries of Fanger are still the foundation of thermal comfort evaluations in several standards and norms all over the world. Alternative methods have been suggested, but Fanger’s research still gives the most detailed view on how to create good thermal indoor environment. A knowledge that is essential in order to secure and optimise thermal comfort for building occupants.

This Ph.D. study presents a tool for simulation and evaluation of thermal comfort based on building energy simulations. The gap of missing input parameters for thermal comfort calculations has been closed with calculation methods for clothing level, air velocities and thermal radiant exchange.

Simulation of thermal comfort is not and will never be exact predictions, a fact that is important to communicate to decision makers; the tool therefor presents the results with clear visualisation of uncertainties.

Key figures

2010 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.77 mio. DKK
0.81 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
31 %
Project budget:
2.58 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Avancerede termiske modeller til energieffektivt bygningsdesign
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 342-064


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Søren Aggerholm
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