The geothermal energy potential in Denmark - reservoir properties, temperature distribution and models for exploitation

The project will analyse all available relevant geological and geophysical data. New data and models will be generated to identify, map and characterise suitable potential geothermal reservoirs, and also evaluate the total energy potential using models for understanding variation in reservoir unit quality and temperature conditions. (Energy 10) 

The Danish sedimentary basins contain huge amounts of green energy in the form of geothermal resources that can be utilized as warm water for heating purposes. The objective of this research was to carry out a nationwide, regional study of those geological and geophysical characteristics which are essential for assessing the potential for geothermal energy utilization. New seismic interpretations, seismic mapping and development of a three-dimensional subsurface geological model, a three-dimensional subsurface thermal model, analysis of reservoir rocks and geophysical borehole data as well as numerical modelling studies have generated extensive new knowledge on the geothermal reservoirs with respect to their regional distribution, physical properties, temperature and energy content. This information is suitable for illustration in a new WebGIS system and forms the basis for an initial general assessment of where exploitation possibilities exist. Promising geothermal reservoirs are found in most of the country, including the region of greater Copenhagen. Along with other experiences, project results show where to follow up locally with more detailed geological and geophysical surveys, and how there is a need for new research on specific issues to ensure a stable and long-term sustainable energy production.
Project description

Huge amounts of geothermal resources are present in the Danish subsurface. Thus the main objective of the project is to perform the necessary new research to reduce obstacles for a marked increase of the utilisation of geothermal energy in Denmark. Therefore the project focus on investigating the critical elements in the exploitation of the geothermal resources such as depths, thickness, temperature, distribution, lateral variations and quality of the reservoirs, in order to map, predict and estimate the production capacities of the reservoirs. All relevant available geological and geophysical data will be analysed and new data generated with the objective of defining and characterizing the geothermal reservoirs in Denmark. Areas of special interest such as the region of Øresund, will be selected for detailed investigations based on a combination of favourable geological conditions, heating demands and infrastructure.

Key figures

2010 - 2016
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
8.77 mio. DKK
11.08 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
72 %
Project budget:
15.39 mio. DKK


Project type
Case no.
ENMI 09-067272 - 0603-00342B


De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Main Responsible)


Nielsen, Lars Henrik
Comtact information
De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (GEUS)
Øster Voldgade 10
DK-1350 København K
Nielsen, Lars Henrik , 38142730,
Øvr. Partnere: Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU); Aarhus Universitet; DONG Energy A/S;German Research Centre (GFZ)
Contact email - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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