Activating the building construction for building environmental control

The project will produce new knowledge on thermal activation of building structures that will form the basis for developing new concepts for building energy optimisation. The project will also strengthen research cooperation on energyefficient construction between leading research groups in Denmark and China.

The project lead to cooperation on the development of a new air cleaning technology. A prototype Clean Air Heat Pump (CAHP) for air cleaning was developed and the performance tested. The results show that to keep same indoor air quality, the CAHP save substantial amount of energy.
Project description

The scientific purpose is by activating the building construction to develop a building system which has the capability to dynamically adjust physical properties and energetic performance according to changing demands, indoor/ outdoor conditions and energy availability (e.g. access and price). This ability could pertain to energy capture (e.g. absorption of room excess heat), energy transport (e.g. air/water movement in cavities/pipes), energy storage (e.g. building materials with high thermal storage capacity as PCM), energy shifting within a building (heating north side-cooling south side), reduction of peak load, shifting of energy demand (from day to night) and utilization of renewable energy sources. The conducted research will lead to new knowledge on energy flows in building that will form the basis for development of models for predicting performance of activated building constructions and for development of new concepts. These concepts will combine activated building constructions, building services systems (HVAC) and renewable energy sources into one system and will lead to new possibilities for utilization of renewable energy in buildings. The project has also the purpose to strengthen the relations and research cooperation between key research groups in Denmark and China within the area of energy efficiency in buildings and to exploit their key complementary competences. This project will be closely linked to: The Strategic Research Center on “Zero Emission Buildings” funded by the Danish Council of Strategic Research. Total Budget of DKK 52.000.000. Participants AAU, DTU, DTI, Danfoss, Saint Gobain Isover, Velux, Dansk Byggeri. The project applied for will be closely related to and establish an important link between two work packages in the Centre: “Integration and Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems for Housing” and “Building Energy Storage”. “New energy efficient concrete prepared for industrialized production – PCM Concrete” funded by the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation. Total Budget of DKK 12.975.000. Participants AAU, DTI, BASF A/S, Spæncom A/S. This project will provide knowledge about application of Phase Change Materials in concrete constructions, which will be very valuable for the development of activated building constructions

Activation of the building construction is a concept that offers new possibilities for energetic optimization of energy flows in buildings and of heating and cooling system performance. Furthermore to split the control of room temperature (thermal comfort) and indoor air quality (ventilation) on separate systems is a more efficient and optimal way of controlling the indoor environment. The conducted research lead to new knowledge on energy flows in buildings when activated building constructions, building services systems (HVAC) and renewable energy sources is combined into one system.  The project lead to cooperation on the development of a new air cleaning technology. A prototype  Clean Air Heat Pump (CAHP) for air cleaning was developed and the performance tested. The results show that to keep same indoor air quality, the CAHP save substantial amount of energy.  The project partners developed an international research project on the topic that is now running as IEA ECBCS Annex 59 "Minimizing ΔT in HVAC Systems for High Energy Efficiency in Buildings". The project has also strengthened relations and research cooperation between key research groups in Denmark and China within the area of energy efficiency and indoor environemnt in buildings.

Key figures

2010 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.81 mio. DKK
7.59 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
90 %
Project budget:
8.39 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Termisk aktivering af bygningskonstruktioner
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ENMI 09-071598


Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)


Heiselberg, Per
Comtact information

Aalborg Universitet. Institut for Byggeri og Anlæg
Sohngårdsholmsvej 57
DK-9000 Aalborg
Heiselberg, Per , 99408541,
Øvr. Partnere: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Institut for Byggeri og Anlæg (DTU Byg)

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