CO2-GS - Environmental technology for geological storage of carbon dioxide

This project aims at developing environmental technologies for reducing the atmospheric CO2 concentration. The first part of the project evaluates the potential environmental impacts of leaks from CO2 storage sites on shallow aquifers. Research will focus on; a) Generating generic modeling scenarios for reservoir responses when supercritical CO2 is
​The project has explored the potential environmental impact of a CO2 leak from an underground storage. Models have been developed to simulate pressure propagation from supercritical CO2 being injected into a geological storage at 3 km depth as well as for possible CO2 migration to the surface through liquid and gaseous phases. The risk for saltwater contamination of drinking water reservoirs was also explored through modeling.
Project description

This project aims at developing environmental technologies for reducing the atmospheric CO2 concentration. The first part of the project evaluates the potential environmental impacts of leaks from CO2 storage sites on shallow aquifers. Research will focus on; a) Generating generic modeling scenarios for reservoir responses when supercritical CO2 is injected into a geological storage complex.; b) Development of model codes to simulate multi-phase CO2 transport coupled to geochemical and geomechanical processes; c) The potential impact of escaping CO2 on the groundwater chemical composition; d) Geophysical methods for monitoring different CO2 phases in shallow aquifers systems and obtaining an quantitative understanding of the transport of gaseous CO2 in the underground. The second part of the project explores a new approach for capturing CO2 from the atmosphere by enhancing the CO2 content of infiltrating groundwater, for example by reacting CO2 in the soil zone with minerals like carbonates or reactive silicates, thereby bringing much more CO2 in solution. Field investigations will be carried out where experimental plots on CaCO3 free soils will be exposed to different scenarios of land use, mineral addition and irrigation. If successful this technique bears a promise of integrating CO2 storage with land use

The project has explored the potential environmental impact of a CO2 leak from an underground storage. Models have been developed to simulate pressure propagation from supercritical CO2 being injected into a geological storage at 3 km depth as well as for possible CO2 migration to the surface through liquid and gaseous phases. The risk for saltwater contamination of drinking water reservoirs was also explored through modeling.
 A CO2 injection experiment was carried out in a shallow aquifer to investigate how escaping CO2 could affect the chemical composition of the groundwater. The experiment was also used to study the mechanisms of gaseous CO2 transport in aquifers as well as the development of geophysical methods to detect gaseous CO2 in the underground.
The project also explored how to enhance the dissolved CO2 content in infiltrating groundwater and thereby its storage in the underground. This was done in field and laboratory experiments with the addition of lime and crushed concrete to soils to increase the amount of dissolved CO2.

Key figures

2010 - 2014
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
6.50 mio. DKK
20.00 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
75 %
Project budget:
26.49 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
CO2-GS - Miljøteknologi for geologisk lagring af CO2
Project type
Case no.
ENMI 09-067234


De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Main Responsible)


Postma, Dieke
Comtact information

De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (GEUS). Geokemisk Afdeling
Øster Voldgade 10
DK-1350 København K

Contact email - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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