OPUS - Optimized use of wheat and barley straw material for bioethanol production and investigation of the bio fuel waste products nutritional and probiotic value

OPUS will study bio-available carbon in sraw from wheat. The project applies a multidisciplinary structure compriing expertise in molecular biology, plant breeding, 'white biotechnology', decomposition of plant materials and feeding to map the differences of approx. 100 winter wheat types

Project description

OPUS will study bio-available carbon in sraw from wheat. The project applies a multidisciplinary structure compriing expertise in molecular biology, plant breeding, 'white biotechnology', decomposition of plant materials and feeding to map the differences of approx. 100 winter wheat types


OPUS has contributed to extensive studies of the magnitude and causes of differences in bioavailable carbon in the straw of winter wheat varieties. It is shown that the differences may have a significant impact on the utilization of carbon from straw for bioethanol production, or other biotechnological purposes. The results indicate that there is no negative correlation between the core and the yield straw suitability for supplying carbon to biotechnological purposes, which is very important in relation to the processing industry's future interest in this capacity. Within the completed project, we have, for budgetary reasons, been confined to breeders own data in connection with harvesting, which includes a number of traits, but no measurements of straw yields. Therefore, it has not been possible to do a thorough elucidation of the genetic variation in straw yield. Efforts are however on a smaller dataset of saccharification-potential from straw of different cereals and wheat varieties in relation to straw yields and thus the spatial yield in ethanol. Preliminary studies indicated that genetic differences in the straw yield per surface area plays an important role in the overall yield of ethanol.

Key figures

2006 - 2011
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.85 mio. DKK
2.50 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
57 %
Project budget:
4.35 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
OPUS - Optimeret brug af hvedehalm for bio-ethanol produktion og undersøgelse af restprodukternes ernæringsmæssige og probiotiske foderværdi
Bio and waste
Case no.
ENMI 2104-05-0055


Københavns Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Aarhus Universitet
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Ørsted A/S


Magid, Jakob (Lektor)
Comtact information
Københavns Universitet. Det biovidenskabelige Fakultet (KU LIFE)
Thorvaldsensvej 40 3.
1871 Frederiksberg C
Magid, Jakob (Lektor), 35283491, jma@life.ku.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Aarhus Universitet. Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet; DONG Energy A/S
Contact email

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