Passive 3D Cooling

The purpose is to develop an efficient passive cooling solution for LED products based on innovative ideas, additive manufacture and exsisting research and experiences.

Passive cooling is generally used and it appears that it to a great extent is ruled by conventions. For instance "largest surface wins". We have also seen many examples where heat sinks have had internal "bottlenecks" in the geometry limiting the internal heatflow, raising the operational temperature and restricting performance.
Project description

The purpose is to develop an efficient passive cooling solution for LED products based on innovative ideas, additive manufacture and exsisting research and experiences. The goal is to describe the ideal way to incorporate passive cooling into a product with the highest possible performance contemporary with fans and management tools are removed. During the project the results will be used in a case with the aim to convert an active cooling highpower LED fitting to a passive cooling. The project will extend AT Lighting knowledge of developing efficient passive cooling by testing and furher development of a number of solution methods and map the results in differetn design principles. The ambition with this ELFORSK project is to develop a good design guideline for passive cooling for a wide range of used products directed towards end-users, so the principles can be integrated in the product development of LED fittings. The design principles will also be used in other products that need cooling as for example computers.


The purpose of the project has been to work with passive cooling in a modern context with the opportunities that 3D printing in metal brings.

Passive cooling is generally used and it appears that it to a great extent is ruled by conventions. For instance "largest surface wins". We have also seen many examples where heat sinks have had internal "bottlenecks" in the geometry limiting the internal heatflow, raising the operational temperature and restricting performance.

Secondly. Many computer and highpower LED solutions have their cooling system as an internal organ in a product. This leaves out the possibility for optimal use convectional forces.

Taking heat sinks to the outside of a product and designing it in a way that leaves out bottlenecks increases cooling performance significantly. Lattice-structures provides superb airflow through the heat sink increasing cooling even more as well as adding the ability to orient the product in any direction without limiting performance.

Key figures

2013 - 2015
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.82 mio. DKK
0.81 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
1.62 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Passiv 3D Køling
Energy efficiency
Case no.
ELFORSK 345-020


AT LIGHTING ApS (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Teknologisk Institut
UNIC-LIGHT ApS - informationportal for danish energytechnology research- og development programs.

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