Turbulent jet mixing for premixed marine twostroke engines (GASMIX)

Institut for Mekanisk Teknologi

MAN Energy Solutions has demonstrated a method to premix gaseous fuels like methane and ammonia in two-stroke engines for large ships. The project will investigate flow physics and injection strategies to optimize fuel-air mixing to get high energy efficiency and low emission of pollutants. The aim is also to develop and validate numerical simulation to allow reliable modelling of new engine designs.

Project description

Large ships are the most efficient way to move goods long distances. No real alternatives to combustion engines as power source exist for transoceanic shipping. Candidates to reduce carbon footprint are gaseous fuels like methane and ammonia. Two-stroke engines have the highest energy efficiency, but new technology must be developed to introduce gaseous fuels in a cost-effective way, i.e. at relatively low pressure. A main challenge is to achieve sufficient mixing between fuel and air using only the last stage of the cylinder scavenging with only a short time, a confined space and low pressure nozzle flow available. A first solution has been demonstrated by MAN Energy Solutions, but optimization is needed to get both high energy efficiency and low emission of pollutants. The project will do experiments in a scale model and use these to develop solutions and to validate numerical simulations. This enables development of both new engines and upgrading of existing engines to use various gaseous fuels. This will form the last link in supply chains of new carbon-neutral fuels and also support changing markets by allowing engines to run on many different types of fuel.

Key figures

2021 - 2025
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.55 mio. DKK
3.80 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
60 %
Project budget:
6.36 mio. DKK


Energy efficiency
Project type
Forskning Udvikling
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 3,80 mio. DKK 0,85 mio. DKK


Knud Erik Meyer
Comtact information

Nils Koppels Allé,
bygning 403,
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Tlf.: 45254337

Contact email

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